city of dark

This past week my mind has been with New York, it’s neighboring regions, and the east coast, the place where I was born, raised, and lived for so many years. New York is a part of me unlike any other city. It’s people are my people, resilient, strong and united in their cause. I feel this connection now, more than ever, with the sadness and suffering left behind by superstorm Sandy. I was there in 2001 for the tragic events of 9-11, I was there for the blackout several years ago, and I am there now, if not in body than in mind. Hard to believe how suddenly life can change, by forces outside our control. Stay strong New York, Staten Island, Queens, Brooklyn, New Jersey… the world is with you.

Here’s a list of how to help those in need of food, clothing, housing…or donate directly to Red Cross.

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  1. Susan November 5, 2012

    It’s crazy how hard NYC + NJ were hit. We had it easy in PA.

  2. Sasha November 5, 2012

    On my way! I will give the city a big hug from you.

    • Kasia November 21, 2012

      Thanks Sasha! See you soon back in Paris.

  3. kristen (@unefemmeparis) November 5, 2012

    As you know, I’ve been glued to the coverage from the Times and NYmag. I just wish I could be there to help (although our apartment I think would still be without power and water too) but the photos are unreal. It’s unbelievable to see what happened in areas like the Rockaways/Coney Island/Staten Island who still are waiting for power/heat/water. I just hope the temps don’t drop too much over the next few days while they’re waiting. It’s going to be a long recovery…

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