down south

Last weekend, after spending several days with my dear cousins from Poland, both in the sea and on land (I dared yet again to hike from Vernazza to Monterosso, this time with 3 kids under 7), my Italian and I left Italy and headed back to France. All along the coast, via train. A journey I had last taken solo. Once in Cannes we embarked on the open road via cabriolet (my idea). Heaven!

Our destination was a village on the Côte d’Azur by the name of Bormes les Mimosas. Here is where I would experience my first French marriage. A couple from the North to wed in the South.

We were immediately smitten. My Italian thinking that we could easily have been in Tuscany.

The stone facades revealed an assortment of candy-colored pastels.

I very quickly understood why the village was named after mimosas.

The view from this hilltop village was magical. A perfect setting for a wedding.

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  1. Barbara September 1, 2011

    Ah, you do get around Kasia. How lovely!

  2. Risamay September 1, 2011

    The second photo is my favorite. Amazing view! So charming.

  3. Susan September 1, 2011

    The wedding must have been incredible, what a setting!

  4. Sweet Freak September 2, 2011

    Darling, your photos are getting more and more phenomenal! And your travels… well, you’re making your New York friend tres jalouse!!

  5. StyleOnTheCouch September 6, 2011

    Oo that’s such a pretty location! I can see the Italian influences here too. I love the candy pastel walls.

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