home sweet Paris

It’s true that to be truly happy we must appreciate not only who we are and what we have but also where we are. This means to make the most of wherever we call home. There are several places close to my heart, but these last 5 years, it’s Paris that I am lucky to call my home. With all it’s flaws and imperfections (those who have lived here know what I’m talking about), but much like a person, no place is perfect. There are certainly days in which I miss the chaos of New York City, or the calm of Westhampton Beach, but there is certainly no place as beautiful as Paris. And I have seen a lot.


A few days ago, I took a walk along the Seine.


It is here that I often find myself on early evenings.


I had a rendezvous with my Italian, but kept walking and walking…


Captivated by the light on this late summer evening.


And this is when it occurred to me exactly how lucky I am.

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  1. Liza in Ann Arbor September 26, 2014

    You are indeed lucky to call all three of those places home.

  2. susan // fleurishing October 2, 2014

    you are SO very lucky. xo

  3. Marina @ Garlands in Paris October 2, 2014

    What beautiful pictures! And you are right about loving Paris, despite the ups and downs…

    • Kasia October 6, 2014

      Thanks Marina! Paris is far from perfect, but it’s a wonderful place to call home. Hope you too are enjoying it!

  4. Andi October 5, 2014

    I have done a few of those walks, that time of night is enchanting. You are lucky, but we make our own luck, it is well deserved and rightly given and doesn’t come without bumps and hard work. Enjoy it Kasia, you earned it.

    • Kasia October 6, 2014

      Thank you Andi. I believe that too, we create our own luck. And we must enjoy what we create.

      I look forward to the day that you call Paris home, even for just a few months.

  5. […] home sweet Paris by Kasia It’s true that to be truly happy we must appreciate not only who we are and what we have but also where we are. This means to make the most of wherever we call home. There are several places close to my heart, but these last 5 years, it’s Paris that I am lucky to call my home. Link: http://www.loveinthecityoflights.com/paris/home-sweet-paris/ […]

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