visions of Tuscany

We made our way from Pisa to Volterra in the late afternoon sun, destination unknown. At least to me. The element of suspense is equally unsettling and thrilling, I focused on the latter. Driving along a tangle of dirt roads we approached a house set upon a landscape of olive trees and rolling hills. Immediately I exclaimed ‘Wow, it’s my dream to stay in a place like this!’ ‘Do you think to be a princess?’, replied my Italian with a smile. (Did I really need to answer that?) It was my birthday after all. Needless to say, this agriturismo Podere San Lorenzo, a vision of Tuscany, became home.

For the next few days I was indeed a princess. Tuscan menus tasting of truffles, trips to nearby San Gimignano, drives in the Chianti region…(Aside from my actual birthday in which the weather gods were seeking vengeance, but let’s focus on the visions contributing to the fairytale.)

As far as birthdays go, this is one I will always cherish. And not simply for the landscapes.

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  1. food lover kathy August 6, 2010

    Beautiful photos! Looks like your time in Tuscany was a fairytale come true!

    • Kasia August 6, 2010

      Thank you! Aside from the erratic weather it was a ideal birthday!

  2. Tuscany Agriturismo August 30, 2010

    Pisa is a real place which is fill with beauty and tranquillity. Looking at these pictures I am thinking to have my next trip over here. Hope i will enjoy my days like you only.

  3. Florence Bed and Breakfasts August 31, 2010

    I traveled with a group of eight friends , we were in Europe almost for one month, and Pisa was our last stop. We were not expecting much and was very tired, but when we arrived at this place we were surprised . It is a small city with beautiful places and there is no traffic, no noise, just perfect place for those who are tired and wants to relaxed.

  4. Lucent Imagery September 2, 2010

    Happy belated birthday! I’ve only just discovered your blog and am looking forward to reading more. Only last night we were out with another couple for dinner and we were discussing our shared dream to go live in a Tuscan villa for a while. How lucky for you to have lived this dream for a little while.

    • Kasia September 7, 2010

      Thank you for the b-day wishes and compliments on my blog! Spending a few days in Tuscany is truly a dream. Do it at least once in your life 🙂

  5. Looking at these pictures I am thinking to have my next trip over here. Hope i will enjoy my days like you only.

  6. mountain escape August 17, 2012

    […] year my Italian planned an unimaginable birthday getaway. Nothing like the surprise trip of two years ago in Tuscany. From Paris we flew to Verona, and drove North, the air more fresh and the scenery more spectacular […]

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