L’Amour (or less)

One of the great joys of living as an expat in Paris is that it has exposed me to other like-minded Americans, who equally find their creative voice and pursue their dreams, on French soil. Whether it be in the form of American-style cupcakes, sweet stories, designer pillows, or even treasure hunts in the Louvre, each of these women is following her passion. I am proud to be among them.

Most recently another friend and fellow expat has spoken, this time through film. An actress and film-maker from NYC, Jennifer Geraghty arrived to Paris no more than 2 year ago, and now, she has a few stories to tell. Namely, all about the romantic tales between expats and the French. All true stories, not all her own. Certainly enough to entice any  mademoiselle or monsieur out there who wonders about dating in the French capital! Have a look, listen, and share the love! Jennifer and her collaborator Alexis are in the midst of raising funds via kickstarter to turn these tales into a series of short stories, 12 of which are already written. To learn more, here’s their website.

To add a little incentive in the form of Kasia Dietz handbags, I’ve designed a custom hand-painted tote for those able to donate a generous sum. More info on their kickstarter page

L'Amour (or less) tote by Kasia Dietz

May these tales of LAmour (or less) come to life!

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  1. Susan February 22, 2013

    Oh I love the bag Kasia…such a great project!

  2. Daisy de Plume February 23, 2013

    Excellent bag! The apostrophe makes it. Am so sorry I can’t make it to your Bag Painting Workshop next weekend.
    And Jennifer’s project sounds great. Just watched the kickstart with H and told him I was in love w/ M Mouton. As for the shout-out, you’re an angel — comme d’habitude. Thank you, my lovely! xxx

  3. Andi March 6, 2013

    I was so thrilled to hear about this project from you and Lindsey – and happy to contribute to the Kickstarter fund!

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