lessons learned in French class…

I am learning much more in my French class than the seemingly endless conjugations of irregular verbs. Namely, the geographical locations and vivid descriptions of ‘les DOM-TOM’, the French islands scattered within the world’s oceans. (Perhaps in Martinique there’s an extensive French program and I could add Creole to my language skills?) My last assignment, as the gods of fate would have it, was to write a travel article on NYC, ‘la ville extraordinaire!’. Needless to say I became very passionate about accurately depicting a place I know so well.

The greatest lessons learned are in observation of the many foreign lives each trying to make sense in a language not their own. One classmate in particular left an impression on me. This woman from Houston, Texas, with husband and kids in tow, decided to leave a very settled life and spend one year in Paris. Simply because she and her husband noticed how spoiled their children had become and decided it necessary to expand their outlook of the world while enhancing their appreciation of ‘home’. This was no easy task, uprooting three girls aged 2, 11 and 17, attending French schools, adjusting to a new culture (one which is not the most accepting of outsiders I might add). I applaud her for such a daring and challenging move. I am certain her children, at least the older girls, will learn valuable life lessons on this path less taken.

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