
This is my first taste of India, flavors I am certain will remain in my palate for a lifetime. The sights are intense amidst a cacophony of honking horns, in a city that is over-populated and under-nourished. Today I spent a feverishly hot afternoon at the Prince of Wales Museum gaining a bit of insight as to the beginnings of this enchantingly intricate culture. Tomorrow New Delhi awaits, where I will meet with my dear friends Kanika and Azfar…

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1 Comment

  1. eszorenyi March 19, 2007

    Kasia, your pictures are breathtaking…! You’re such a great writer, photographer, smart, talented and cool woman! The next great female traveller! You have to write a book about all your travels and amazing experiences. (If you need someone to help you with creating and editing the pages, i’m here… 😉 Em

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