Paris by night

Once in a while, even those who call Paris home must play the role of a tourist. What better way to fall in love all over again? And so, recently, to celebrate nothing in particular, my Italian and I spent a night on the Seine amidst the lights of Paris. We boarded the boat just beneath the glow of Madame Eiffel, and with champagne in hand, began our dinner tour. This is certainly a city to behold, even in it’s darkest hour. In order to share this experience, I braved the cold and currents on the return, and with iPhone in hand (forgive the poor photo quality) I captured Paris by night.

Enjoy the ride!







For those visiting the city of lights or locals in need of dinner with a view, jump aboard! Take note, I recommend only going on a Sunday night for the Michelin chef’s dinner. Romantic and gourmet. We will be playing tourist again come Spring, as the sun is setting, a whole other Paris to savour…

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  1. That last photo is just wow!

  2. Paris Paul January 18, 2013

    Walking along the Seine at night was when i fell in love with Paris at first sight…

  3. Nitin January 28, 2013

    Paris by night is wonderful. Your pictures are beautiful & make me miss Paris.

    • Kasia February 6, 2013

      Thank you, I hope you will be able to come and visit sometime soon!

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