Paris Picks: Anglo Entertainment

While strolling around Paris can certainly provide hours of entertainment, in recent years I’ve discovered a few noteworthy options for non-French speakers to relax and enjoy la vie parisienne while becoming better acquainted with French culture. Buy a ticket or book a seat and prepare for a little Anglo entertainment on your next visit to Paris!

Started by my dear and ingenious friend Daisy de Plume several years ago, THATMuse, short for Treasure Hunt at the Museum, is the most thrilling way to acquaint yourself with Paris’s most remarkable museums, including the Louvre and Musee D’Orsay. Having attended her first ever hunt at the Louvre, and many to follow including her Paris street hunts, I can well testify to the hours of fun her treasure hunts provide. She’s even recently expanded to the British MuseumVictoria & Albert Museum and Natural History Museum in London.

THATMuse (Treasure Hunt at the Museum)

Ready to enjoy French plays without speaking a word of French? Theatre in Paris offers performances with English surtitles,  allowing you to watch and understand the original show, whether it be a musical, opera or comedy. The setting in one of Paris’s many historic theatres alone will impress! Here’s my recent experience.

Theatre in Paris

Experience France’s famous cinema culture, in English. Lost in Frenchlation provides the best of French cinema, both new releases and classics, to the Anglophone community in Paris. Enjoy screenings at independent cinemas all over the city, while mingling with old or new friends over a cocktail before the show.

Lost in Frenchlation

If you’re looking for a few good laughs while visiting the city of lights, leave it to Julia Collas. This one-woman show is 100% in English and 100% guaranteed to entertain. A natural comedian who left the corporate world to pursue her passion, Julia will introduce you to the Parisian life in this one hour show, French accent and all.

Oh My God She’s Parisian

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