reason to celebrate

Is there ever not a reason to celebrate? These days, learning to conjugate an irregular verb is reason enough. Life is so much about the small victories, and those occur daily. If we pay attention to them.

At present we have even more reason to celebrate than my pending fluency in French. My Italian has officially become French. In regards to his working status that is. (Once an Italian always an Italian!)

My arrival to Paris contained only one certainty. The who (I had chosen to share my life with), not the what (I would do) and where (we would live). Though we both had hoped Paris would become our home. Over time (I won’t get into just how long this process took), my Italian pursued this option, since I was (mostly) happy in Paris and he loved the city from day one. If all went accordingly, we would not be packing our bags to move to Milan for January 1st. Love in the City of Fashion?

And here we are. 18 months into our love story, and 6 months away from our wedding, finally calling Paris our home. Though we do have moments in which we desire to run off to Vietnam for a 2 year stint, or perhaps a Greek island in the Cyclades. Even Rome sounds like an adventure. Oh, the possibilities! And yes, there are many. But for the unforeseeable future, this will remain our vista.

As we do every evening in French tradition, raise a glass and celebrate! What are you celebrating?

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  1. Sweet Freak November 15, 2010

    Felicitations to you and your Italian – bonnes nouvelles! I was thinking of you, walking by the Equinox in Soho this past week… how wonderful that your “random” street encounter there has brought you, 18 months later, to this incredible moment in life!

    • Kasia November 15, 2010

      Merci mon amie! Ah yes, how life can change in a moment. It’s so much about the timing, and smiling at handsome strangers on the street…

  2. Lindsey November 15, 2010

    Yay yay yay!!! You’re staying! What am I celebrating? Finally feeling good about my life here – and good in a sustainable way. I know there are going to be hurdles, as there always are, but I’m feeling comfortable (but of course not TOO comfortable). Good things may take longer in this country, but when they happen they’re worth all the celebrating you can manage!

    • Kasia November 16, 2010

      Thanks Lindsey! Happy to hear of the many celebrations in your French life. Definitely worth all the efforts!!

  3. Cailin November 16, 2010

    So happy for you Kasia!

    • Kasia November 18, 2010

      Thank you Cailin!

  4. andrea@3samovar November 16, 2010

    your posts are always thought provoking!
    i would add gratitude to celebrating small victories every day!

    • Kasia November 18, 2010

      Nice of you to say that, thanks! I try to share my more thought provoking musings.

  5. Priscilla November 16, 2010

    I would also celebrate that you got to choose where to live! That in and of itself is a luxury, non?
    Wish I was as fluent in French as you, or any language for that matter! When we meet at the #paristweetup in January you will have to give me your secrets!
    I am celebrating that life can give you lemons, but it’s my choice to make lemonade with them and boy does my life taste good!

    • Kasia November 18, 2010

      Actually, I think Paris picked us! What’s even better it that It’s a sort of equal ground as neither one of us is French. I WISH I had secrets to give you…will come up with a few by January! 😉

      Happy to hear you are making lots of lemonade, just add a little French honey…

  6. […] Forest to guest post in the first place, you’ve also just announced that you have your own reasons to celebrate: your Italian is now officially your Frenchie. While it may be easier for someone in the EU to get […]

  7. Cat November 17, 2010

    Felicitations and I have to say that I didn’t realize you were getting married! Wow, that *is* certainly reason to celebrate! I want all the details!
    I am happy to celebrate the little things in life every day — my health, my family, hearing my kids giggling in our bed, a warm home to come home to, a freshly-baked cupcake! 🙂

    • Kasia November 18, 2010

      Thank you Cat!! I ‘very’ subtly announced our engagement on the Santorini post. Will tell you more in person!

      Indeed you have a lot to celebrate!!

  8. Paris in Pink November 17, 2010

    Definitely reason to celebrate! Calling Paris my home is the greatest blessing I could ever ask for, so I understand your contentment. Congrats on your *almost* wedding day… so exciting! By the way, I just noticed you added me to your blogroll… I’m so honored! 🙂 Paris in Pink

    • Kasia November 18, 2010

      Thank you!! And yes, living in Paris is reason enough to celebrate (most days). Does it get more romantic than this? 😉

  9. Jen Laceda November 20, 2010

    Congratulations on…everything…! I love Paris; I love France. I’m making sure my two girls go to French immersion school so that maybe, in the future, they’d have a chance to live in Paris. (And mommy will crash their tiny apartment)! Cheers to that!

    • Kasia November 21, 2010

      Thanks Jen! Great plan to send your girls to French school!! I’m sure they will thank you for it!

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