romance defined

Valentine’s Day spent in the most romantic city in the world, or anywhere for that matter, can indeed be an experience in romance. I happen to be living what is classically considered a love affair, in Paris no less, but there is so much more to the term romance.

1. Ardent emotional attachment or involvement between people; A love affair.

2. A mysterious or fascinating quality or appeal, as of something adventurous, heroic, or strangely beautiful.

3. A long fictitious tale of heroes and extraordinary or mysterious events, usually set in a distant time or place.

4. An artistic work, such as a novel, story, or film, that deals with sexual love, especially in an idealized form.

5. Music. A lyrical, tender, usually sentimental song or short instrumental piece.

6. The Romance languages. (French bien sûr!)

7. Whatever you choose it to be.

photo by Malias

On this day, really no different than any other yet historically designated for the romantic souls, I will stop and taste, look and see, appreciate and feel. Within the enchanting setting of Paris.

Happy Valentine’s Day! May you experience romance, in any definition you choose.

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  1. Stephanie - labelleinfrance February 14, 2012

    Happy Valentine’s Day! I love your romantic insight on relationship! Have a beautiful day!

  2. Happy Valentine’s Day to you too!! I hope you have an extra lovely day today 🙂 And yes to your definition of romance… It should be anything we want it to be. 🙂 Bisous xx

  3. Susan February 14, 2012

    Ooh, I am having a love affair as well! That photo is perfect, and what better place to spend the day than Paris! xo

  4. ParisienSalon February 14, 2012

    Love this post! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, in the city of lights!

  5. Happy Valentine’s Day! Love that pic 🙂

  6. Happy Valentine’s Day, Kasia, and thank you for the reminder that love and life are what we make of it! ♥

    (P.S. That’s a great photo at the bottom. Very creative! It made me smile.)

  7. Saturday Six #95 February 18, 2012

    […] appreciate that but I am more in line with Kasia of Love in the City of Lights, who wrote that romance is defined any way you want it! Maria also alluded to that with her vet and mushroom stories in her guest-post […]

  8. Sweet Freak February 18, 2012

    Happy (belated) Valentine’s, Bella! May your days be filled with perfect romance!

  9. Chauffeur Paris February 18, 2012

    Thanks for this lovely post and picture 😉

  10. […] appreciate that but I am more in line with Kasia of Love in the City of Lights, who wrote that romance is defined any way you want it! Maria also alluded to that with her vet and mushroom stories in her guest-post […]

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