surprise dining

A surprise dinner? Yes, please! I’ll try almost anything once. (Pigs ears in Spain, bone marrow sucked through a straw in China, Yak in Tibet, lardo in Italy…) Obviously I’m a great fan of adventurous eating. When my equally adventurous Italian recently planned a surprise dinner, telling me it was more of a concept, I was intrigued. Would we be dining in the dark, eating with our hands… I could not make sense of it considering we were in Paris, a culinary capital.

My curiosity grew while we wandered Place de la Madeleine. Until we reached the passage.

Le Passage to be exact. Through the door and up the stairs…

Here we discovered a restaurant with a menu unlike any other. Hidden above the famous gastronomic Senderens restaurant is this experience and experiment in taste. There is no menu, thus no decisions to be made. Here is where the culinary adventure begins. Your dinner is based upon the whim of the chef, whatever he decides to test for the main restaurant, with each table trying different dishes, some of which may end up on the menu. Four courses of unique gastro-dining for less than 40€ (add a good bottle of wine bien sûr) et voilà, surprise dinner is served!

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  1. Lindsey November 12, 2012

    LOVE these kinds of surprises!

  2. Helena November 12, 2012

    Thank you so much for sharing a part of hidden Paris. What a marvellous find!

  3. Susan November 12, 2012

    Very intriguing!

  4. Milsters November 12, 2012

    Ahhh – culinary surprises – my favourite!!! Thank you so much for the tip 🙂 I’ll be sure to check it out when I am in Paris next.

    Am currently in Santiago de Chile, enjoying a pisco sour before a flight to Toronto. I am 6 flights away from my flight to Paris! 🙂

    Hope to see you soon xx


    • Kasia November 21, 2012

      Enjoy your travels Milla, and see you back in Paris! xx

  5. Kate Mai November 14, 2012

    This looks wonderful. Is it part of Senderens?

    • Kasia November 21, 2012

      Yes, Senderens is the main restaurant. (Some of the dishes may end up there.)

  6. TN November 14, 2012

    HI! I hope you have a ton more of resto recs on your blog. My husband and I after 3 years of baby raisin’ are finally ready to use a babysitter and go to all of the wonderful restos in The Marais! If you have a list of favs I’d be happy to see it 😉

    • Kasia November 21, 2012

      Happy to send you a list of my favorite restos, both Marais and elsewhere!

      • tn December 4, 2012

        Yes please do so…this is Tanya btw 🙂 email me when you get around to it

  7. Virginia November 14, 2012

    OH now that’s an interesting concept. You didn’t tell us though. How was your dinner?

    • Kasia November 21, 2012

      Ah yes, the most important part. Dinner was delicious! I didn’t want to say too much about the food, as it should be a surprise.

  8. Erin / HiP Paris November 15, 2012

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful little place, Kasia! They have such delicious food and the element of surprise makes it all the more fun.

  9. roni faida November 16, 2012

    I lived in Paris for a few years and I love reading about places I’ve never heard of. I will eat here next time I’m in town. Thanks!

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