tastings with a view

Every Fall I look forward to the wine harvest in Montmartre, the Fête des Vendanges. An annual event during which I don’t mind braving the crowds surrounding the Sacré-Cœur Basilica, eager to sample the various regional wines, paired with plentiful samples of cheese and fois gras, bien sûr!

This year my friend Sarah was in town from Rome, a wine aficionado as luck would have it, and she too was eager to indulge her palate in the tastes of France.

Amidst all the tastings there was entertainment and we even ran into Lily of Context Travel, toting her custom Kasia Dietz bag, designed exclusively for Context Travel.

 Our last tasting was vin chaud, a perfect grand finale. Now it was time to enjoy the view.

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  1. Milsters October 15, 2012

    Lucky you!! I listed this as one of the events I would’ve loved to go to in October. Thanks so much for sharing the experience; I love that I got to live vicariously through your photos. 🙂

    x Milla


  2. Susan October 15, 2012

    Beautiful, and thank you for introducing me to a new event!

    • Kasia October 16, 2012

      Hope you and the family can join us next year!

  3. Andi October 19, 2012

    This looks like fun event, I will have to keep note of it for any future trips in October!

  4. Shon Keaty November 8, 2012

    tastings with a view was saved like a favorite :), I like your website!

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