the art of work

My curious nature often leads me on an adventurous path. Not always one I am pleased with, but surely a lesson is learned along the way. Such was my morning today when in the darkness of a pitch-black motionless escalator in Les Halles, I made my way to the North of Paris, to the Parc Des Expositions in Villepinte where the world of fashion was congregating. Today began one of the most respected of textile industry trade shows. A friend of mine was involved in organizing this grand event and so I thought why not join in the colorful chaos. Did I actually think it could be fun? Maybe. Did I love the idea of running around the expo ogling the many new fabrics on the market, perhaps seeking new inspiration as a designer? YES! Most of all I was excited to be part of something bigger than the endless thoughts circulating in my head. I was needed by someone (in the line of business) for something (potentially interesting). This made me happy. Until the actual thought of having to speak FRENCH sunk in. My stomach hurt for days prior and I prayed the international fashionistas would all speak English.

Needless to say, I was (mostly) fine. Meeting and greeting the ‘this must be a new trend started in Milan’ Italians, the ‘so simple and yet so chic’ French, the ‘we flew in just for this event, spent the night clubbing and still look completely rested and stylish’ New Yorkers (yes, I’m a little biased), and the rest of the world which proved a very interesting crowd. I spoke as much as I could, and smiled to compensate, quickly realizing I need to do something drastic to improve my French proficiency. (Study perhaps?) To pass the time, I tried to read the minds of the Calvin Klein designers (hmmm…a color palette of grey, black and white with a hint of pastel for Spring 2011?), and I was planning to very subtly stalk the woman who designed for Givenchy. In the end, I was content. To be in a creative environment and observe the intense passion for color and texture that takes place in a room filled with thousands of fashion makers (some may refer to this as lunacy). I was mostly impressed by the many small design companies, creating ‘wearable art’, a concept I elaborate on in my accessory designing. I left the expo much more certain that I need continue to be a part of something creative and engaging, and keenly aware of the romantic mood of Spring and Summer 2011. “…to embrace the lightness of futility, the capital in dreams, the freshness of fanciful energy.” I could not have said it better myself.

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  1. Lindsey February 10, 2010

    Did you go to the trade show for work or for pleasure?

  2. kasia dietz February 11, 2010

    Lindsey, This experience resembled work much more than pleasure, though I did enjoy a preview of the new fabrics for 2011!

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