the designing life

Several years ago, inbetween a demanding career and a busy social life, I took one of my creative ideas and materialized it. Literally. I began to print fabric combining my affinity for minimalist designs with prints my mom created in the 70’s. I bought a sewing machine and voilà! Well, not exactly that easy but from those first handbag prototypes, that I so aptly titled ‘wearable art’, reversible no less, my designing life took off. With the help of a good friend, we put together a site and before I knew it I was being interviewed by the Japanese in NYC’s Bryant Park. They loved my hand-printed canvas bags for their uniqueness and versatility, especially the frog bag.

The ferns bag happens to be one of my favorites. Notice my first handmade labels!

In time I expanded my collections to include totes and clutches, the hamptons collection, and began to sell in boutiques all over NY and California. Since then, provence inspired by my travels in France.

Since moving to Paris, the path towards designing has not been an easy one. I faced one hurdle after another, namely finding a manufacturer. Oh, the adventures I have had in this quest! And all of this in a language not my own. Frustrated but determined, I bought another sewing machine and got to work, inspired by my travels and my new life in Europe. Prototypes were created and many an afternoon was spent in the garment districts between Montmartre and the Sentier. As luck or can I say karma would have it, one of my new ‘friends in the fabric world’ Jean-Claude, passed along a few names of local manufacturers, and I followed my instincts. With all the American optimism I could muster, I began production.

Many weeks, language lessons and production schedule revisions later, I am very happy and excited to reveal my latest reversible handbag creations. The tribal collection, inspired by places I have yet to visit and the retro collection, designs that remain timeless. Highlighted by the most beautiful backdrop of all, Paris. (I also designed a hand-printed collection inspired by life in the City of Lights.)

From Ile de la Cité to Place des Vosges, two of my favorite Parisian scenes.

As a big fan of big bags, I expanded on my totes (and clutches) with the earth and sky collection.

My new website is live! Thanks to my web designer, and very patient friend Bernard. I must also thank Evelyn, fellow designer and friend, and of course my Italian for all his business and design advice (who knew he had a knack for colors!). And all those who will soon be gifted with a handbag.

Take a look, order a handbag (just in time for the holidays!), and pass along to everyone you know. For new product updates and special promotions, join kasia dietz handbags on twitter and facebook.

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  1. Lindsey December 1, 2010

    This is so exciting!!! The photos are fabulous, the bags are gorgeous, and you are on your way to becoming the next big Paris designer!

    Bravo ma belle!

    • Kasia December 1, 2010

      Thank you Lindsey!! It’s been quite an adventure so far!

  2. Lindsey December 1, 2010

    I’ve returned to say the new website looks AMAZING!!!

  3. Sion @ paris (im)perfect December 1, 2010

    Amazing work, Kasia! Bravo! I especially love the big bags! Also, I had no idea you were a model 🙂 So gorgeous! Love the website – and your determination above all! Congratulations.

    • Kasia December 1, 2010

      Thanks Sion!! I’m very excited to have launched the new collections. More to come! Btw, I only model for special occasions 😉

  4. George Amaya December 1, 2010

    LOVE the bags and the whole dream and travels behind them.

    My friend Robert Verti is a fashionista stylist. Let me know if I may introduce you to him.

    You have inspired me.

    I am writing a book and you will get a chapter.

    • Kasia December 1, 2010

      Thanks George! Can’t wait to be in your book! Will contact you regarding your fashionista friends… xo

  5. Susan December 1, 2010

    I love your new site, looks great! I’m going to take my time perusing…;)

    • Kasia December 1, 2010

      Thanks so much Susan! Any bags you’d like, let me know 🙂

  6. ckm December 1, 2010

    YES YES YES YES YES! im crying! so happy for you. they look A-MAZING! i am here to help, in any way.
    thank you for the nudge… you know the one, the ‘follow your dreams, and BELIEVE’ one.

    • Kasia December 1, 2010

      Wasn’t it just yesterday that you were in Paris and I was showing you my new ideas?? Ah yes, dreams. Bisous!

  7. evelyn December 2, 2010

    My darling! I’m beyond words…so proud of you and everything you’ve been able to accomplish is such a short of time. As I’ve already told you the bags look absolutely beautiful and the idea behind them will make you a great success.I have not told you this before, but the thing that I find must inspiring about you is your ability to make things happen and your tenacity in always seeing to it that all your dreams materialize…you’ve shown me this once again at a very crucial moment in my own design career…I am truly inspired! I applaud you and wish you all the success in the world! Bisous

    • Kasia December 3, 2010

      Evelyn! (I’m blushing) Very simply, thank you for all of the above. YOU my dear, are an inspiration. May we continue to inspire one another!

  8. Forest December 2, 2010

    Nice work! Inspired and inspiring designs!! Now, I’ll be popping over to the site to take a closer look!

    • Kasia December 3, 2010

      Thanks Forest! Let me know if there’s anything that pops out at you!

  9. Sweet Freak December 3, 2010

    In a word, FABULOUS!

    (Nice to see the evolution of your designs, too 🙂 )

    • Kasia December 3, 2010

      MERCI!!! Perfect bags for the ‘sweet’ Paris/NYC lifestyle 😉

  10. Christina Smith December 3, 2010

    Your work is really great and its nice to see another American woman with a similar story. I’m from Kansas and moved to France in 2007 to get married to my Frenchman n_n

    • Kasia December 3, 2010

      Thanks Christina! Wow, Paris must be quite a change from Kansas! Hope you are adjusting well.

      • Christina Smith December 3, 2010

        It was a big change but I’ve gotten used to it. We live in the Seine-Saint-Denis department my husband is a librarian out here at a middle school. I’m really glad I found your blog I can tell I’ll really enjoy back reading.

  11. Andi December 3, 2010

    Love them! And congrats on the store launch!

  12. Vicki Archer December 4, 2010

    Good luck with your bags…they are absolutely beautiful and I am sure will be a total sell out…xv

  13. Thibault December 8, 2010

    Très jolis sacs 😉
    A quand l’ouverture d’une boutique à Paris ? 🙂

    • Kasia December 8, 2010

      Merci beaucoup!!

  14. […] able to give away this bag from my Parisian blogging pal Kasia of Love in the City of Lights.  She recently re-opened her handbag business, website and store and you will have a hard time picking just […]

  15. Latoya Bridges December 22, 2010

    MERCI!!! Perfect bags for the ‘sweet’ Paris/NYC lifestyle 😉

  16. Pat Gelb July 12, 2012

    I just played tennis wit your Mom, who is a lovely lady. She had shown me your wedding photos last year. They, and you and your husband are beautiful. I wish you much happiness and success in this business. You are so talented, and a brilliant business woman as well! Your designs are fantastic!

    You may be interested in my husband’s story. When I read your blog about following your dreams, I related so strongly because of our personal situation. My husband left his dream of being a sculptor 40 years ago. He wanted the security of having a business that would provide for his family. He achieved that, but had gotten seriously ill five years ago(he is fine now). It made him realize how important his art was to him. He took out his old tools, and began sculpting. He just had an outdoor piece of his sculpture 12feet by 8 feet in San Francisco installed and dedicated. His reviews have been unbelieveable, and he has a second commission. You can see his work on his website He still has a number of pieces in casting. There is nothing more important than following your dreams!

    I wish you the best of luck.
    Pat Gelb

  17. […] able to give away this bag from my Parisian blogging pal Kasia of Love in the City of Lights.  She recently re-opened her handbag business, website and store and you will have a hard time picking just […]

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