the journey inwards

In lieu of the film Eat, Pray, Love which opens today in the US (and soon in Paris I hope), I have been reading a lot of travel related blogs and stories. This film (as 99.9% of the modern world knows) is based on the best-selling book by Elizabeth Gilbert in which, seeking emotional solace, she spends 4 months in Italy eating, 4 months in India praying, and 4 months in Bali resulting in love. I often, and more so these days, reflect upon my own journey, in which I spent 13 months traveling the world, Italy, India and Bali included. During my travels, I read and mostly enjoyed the tales of Eat, Pray, Love, even though mine was a very different story. I ate nearly everything, prayed often, and yes, I did experience love. The most important love affair of all. 

The Journey Inwards

The best investment I made in my life was not my education, which taught me the necessity for discipline and hard work, nor was it the purchase of my apartment, which ingrained in me a deeper sense of responsibility, and it was surely not my rare acquisition of a vintage bag or designer chair. It was the journey within myself, one year spent traveling around the world.

There is nothing so beautiful and equally frightful, as complete freedom. Time which is yours to fill as you desire. There exists no agenda other than to experience life in it’s many unfamiliar tastes, smells and sights. Every day unfolds into a unique composition, captured forever by the mind.

My journey began in the cobbled streets of Buenos Aires, where the heart beats in tango rhythm, to Fernando de Noronha, one of many paradises found, a secluded island off of Brazil’s Bahian coast, to the ancient civilization of Machu Picchu. I have redefined what exist for me as the wonders of the world. And this was only the beginning of what I consider to be my greatest love affair, with the world as my suitor.

The following months found me sky-diving amidst the majestic mountainscape of New Zealand, exploring the limestone formations along Great Ocean Road, completely taken with the natural wonders that became the background of my life. My mind’s eye is rich with visions from these days in which so many lives were lived.

My most profound moments were experienced in the land of color and contrasts, India. It is here that the heart reigns, amidst the urban toil and drudgery of Mumbai, into the grandeur of the pinkgold and blue cities of Rajasthan. This land speaks of an intricate past and a blossoming modernity, unequivocally captivating and nourishing the soul.

Southeast Asia became a history lesson as much as a gastronomic exploration, amidst the floating villages and ancient temples of Siem Reap. In Vietnam I tasted an endless variety of noodles and rice dishes to satisfy the most curious of palates. Within the limestone formations of Halong Bay I experienced the grandest sunset that lit the sky in hues of red. The island of Bali became one of my most revered homes. It was here that I so deeply appreciated the simplest of pleasures; food, shelter, and what becomes the most valued to a traveler, the kindness of strangers.

Inbetween my enlightened city tours of a frenetic and evolving China beginning in Shanghai, I stepped upon the sacred soil named Tibet. The chanting of monks accompanied me into the vast open space of snow-capped mountains and serene lakes. I was living within a dream, perhaps the most vivid and surreal of all. Or was it the other-worldliness of Japan.

Europe began my chapter of friends and family. Aside from intermittently traveling with a trusted friend, I often met with acquaintances, some from the life I left behind and others which I had collected along the way. I was often alone and did my best to enjoy this time. Loneliness is a common symptom of solo traveling, resulting in strength, understanding and greater reliance in the self. 

I felt undeniably fortunate to experience the lives of my friends who had created homes in remote parts of the world, beginning with the turquoise waters of the Aegean in the coastal town of Bodrum. In Turkey I also experienced Cappadocia, another great wonder of the world. I entered and exited these scenes as though they were pieces of my own life, digesting each cultural nuance and idiosyncracy. With my family In Poland I found refuge in the woods of Bykowce, a place where I spent so much of my childhood. Time to digest and reflect upon the pages that were written and the many lessons learned through my resignation to life as a traveler.

My final weeks were spent immersed in the majestic urbanism of Mexico City. I was satiated with visions of ruins that spoke of a rich history. I found my last refuge upon the deserted shores of the Yucatan. The most simple of paradises was Tulum. It was here, beneath the reflection of a star filled sky that it occurred to me that this journey was as much an exploration of the world as of myself.

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  1. Sion @ paris (im)perfect August 13, 2010

    Kasia, this is beautiful writing – and a really wonderous journey. Thank you for sharing. The more I learn about you, the more I am astounded by your courage, strength, and insight. I’m glad your journey has now taken you to Paris where you continue to explore. I took one big leap by moving here, but I have never done the round-the-world trip. If ever I do, I’m certainly coming to you for advice!

    • Kasia August 15, 2010

      Sion, I am very flattered, thank you! I believe in living with no regrets, following our ‘feelings’ and most of all not following the path created by others, but the one we create for ourselves. As you and I are doing by living in Paris. Pleasure to share this journey with you! (Always here for travel advice…)

  2. Lindsey August 13, 2010

    Gorgeous post. I don’t think I would have had the courage to take the time to get to know myself the way you have. I admire your openness to explore the untapped pieces of yourself – to make yourself whole. Really, beautiful.

    • Kasia August 15, 2010

      Thank you Lindsey! It took me years to gain the courage to ‘step off the ladder’ and travel the world. The openness and cultural diversity is what attracted me to NYC in the first place, and kept me there for so long, but it wasn’t until I left the safety of structure that the world taught me empowering (and often difficult) lessons about life and myself. My travels strengthened my belief that the experiences of our lives enrich us the most and stay with us forever.

  3. Andi August 13, 2010

    Is the first time you have written about this year of travel? Somehow I missed if you have. What an amazing adventure. It is a fantasy for me to do this, but I have never risked unemployment long enough to ever do it. If I ever win the lottery or become independently wealthy, this is the first thing I would do. I congratulate on having an experience few get or take the chance on making.

    • Kasia August 15, 2010

      Andi, I haven’t written too much about my travels (only when relevant), but did add a ‘where I’ve been’ section to my blog linking to my travel blog. This journey is such a part of who I am, as you can relate to, being a traveler. I will never forget the epiphany I had while living the ‘Madison Avenue dream’ (‘this can’t be all there is to life’, I thought). Four months later I set off to experience the world, a dream I had for many years. Finally it was time. (It’s never too late btw!) I’m convinced it’s due to my travels and by creating my own path in life, that I ended up living such a beautiful love story in Paris.

  4. Shannon August 14, 2010

    In love with this post and wishing I had your courage. Traveling the world is already an adventure, but doing it on your own is… impressive. Looking forward to more posts 🙂

    • Kasia August 15, 2010

      Much appreciation and love back to you Shannon! It did take a lot of courage and resolve to pick up and go. Considering I left a great life in NYC. The first half of the trip (South America, Asia and Australia I traveled with a good friend (who thankfully remains a good friend). The rest I ventured solo, which I must admit was the toughest AND most empowering. And beyond a doubt the greatest learning experience of my life. Though living in Paris is a good one too 😉

  5. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jen, Shannon. Shannon said: I'm in love with this post from @kasiainparis about her travels around the world – must read […]

  6. […] Kasia of Love in the City of Lights wrote a surprising post called “the journey inwards.” I say surprising because I have been reading Kasia’s blog for awhile but somehow […]

  7. Erica August 15, 2010

    Thanks for the post. I want to leave right now. Especially given this horrid Paris weather. Now all I need is time! We all need to explore being with ourselves. For that, we also need time. – Erica

    • Kasia August 15, 2010

      Hi Erica! Happy to share my travels and experiences. Being with yourself can be tough, but so much is gained, take the time whenever you can. Had it not been for my year of traveling, so much of that time spent alone, it would surely be much tougher to adjust to life in Paris. (I actually spent 3 weeks in Paris during my travels in hopes of living here one day!)

  8. PreteMoiParis August 15, 2010

    Wonderful post. Would love to read more…

    • Kasia August 15, 2010

      Thanks! More on the way… Regarding traveling, I recently wrote a few posts describing adventures in Corsica and Italy. (Greece soon!)

  9. Cynthia August 15, 2010

    That’s such an appropriate way to think of taking time to figure yourself out — as an investment. I need to approach it that way instead of feeling so guilty about it. Would love to hear more about your world travels (and what you ate)! Great post.

    • Kasia August 15, 2010

      This time is indeed an investment in yourself, and who you are becoming. Therefore, no guilt! Enjoy the journey, as they say. Happy to speak about my travels anytime, and all the ‘adventure eating’ I did! Pigs knuckles in Shanghai, Yak in Lhasa, lots of mysterious street foods in Vietnam…the list goes on!

  10. […] Last week Kasia celebrated her one year blogoversary with friends. This week in “Paris: year one” she reflected back on a year in Paris and […]

  11. the dream life November 6, 2010

    […] barrier can’t stop you, can it? Nor can all those voices of reason. Hence my decision to travel the world and move to […]

  12. […] Last week Kasia celebrated her one year blogoversary with friends. This week in “Paris: year one” she reflected back on a year in Paris and […]

  13. […] Kasia of Love in the City of Lights wrote a surprising post called “the journey inwards.” I say surprising because I have been reading Kasia’s blog for awhile but somehow […]

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