tribute to the girls

Recently I read an article that confirmed my belief in the importance of girlfriends. It proved something along the lines of how women find comfort in other women much in the  same way that a man finds comfort in his wife or partner. This I believe, having formed several lasting female friendships throughout my life. Most of whom I am still deeply connected to.

A few weeks ago, two such dear friends and I met for a quick jaunt in London. Unabashed girl time. Karen was flying in from Istanbul (where she is living her own adventure), parting with her little girls in order to spend time with the big ones. I hopped on the train from Paris, and we both met at the home of Brandy, whose wedding we attended last Spring in a castle in Scotland.

Karen and I have been friends since the high school days (we won’t mention exactly how long ago that was…) Brandy we met during the university years when she and Karen shared a room. On my way via train I thought about our many journeys together. A spring break when Karen won a luxury trip to Jamaica and rather than inviting her then boyfriend, she brought me. (That is friendship!) There too we met Brandy for the less luxurious yet equally exciting chapter of our Jamaican holiday. (Ah the stories we can tell!) I also recalled our travels in Italy in which we drove (or can I say sped) all the way to Croatia. And never will I forget our millenium spent in Amsterdam where another friend Anna joined us, as did many a random adventure. The list of girl bonding goes on…

Rarely did we all ever live in the same city, yet both Karen & Brandy called my first NY apartment their home. So many chapters of our lives we have shared together, and continue to. Next stop Italy!

London in the rain proved the ideal background for colorful conversations and carousing…

It is friends like this that become the family we are not born with. For them, I am grateful.

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  1. Milla March 8, 2011

    Nothing beats good friends. I love that the 3 of you all stay in touch; it’s hard with relationships, work, family plus living in different cities. My friendships are very important to me and like you said, good friends become the family don’t have.

    Excellent post!

    • Kasia March 11, 2011

      It’s so nice that we all live in (nearly) the same time zone! What ever would we do without our girlfriends 🙂

      I’m sure you must have friends scattered all over the world too!

  2. Lindsey March 8, 2011

    Maintaining relationships with our girlfriends is so important, they’re there for us in ways a significant other cannot be. So glad your reunion was memorable despite the London rain!

  3. Susan March 8, 2011

    So sweet, and so true…I treasure my friendships, old and new!

  4. Tanya March 8, 2011

    Such a sweet post Kasia!

  5. ckmercier March 8, 2011

    and two of my very best friends are in london too! oh how fabulous it would be to visit them and then pop over to you. i need some ruby red slippers. ‘theres no place like london and paris. theres no place like london and paris. theres…’

    • Kasia March 11, 2011

      Three reasons to cross the sea, and I can come up with a few more…

  6. magdalena March 8, 2011

    what a heartwarming post 🙂

  7. Andi March 9, 2011

    I love stories like this. Women can be so cruel to each other, I love knowing there are really good ones out there. I have a best friend, together over 20 years and I cannot imagine my life without her, she is been through my good times and bad, and I the same for her, and it is really something special.

    • Kasia March 11, 2011

      It’s true Andi, women are tough with each other, and more so as time goes by. But yes, those dear girlfriends that we truly value (and vise versa) do stick around through it all. Nice to hear about your 20+ friendship!! THAT is something to cherish!

  8. kate s. March 9, 2011

    We too have been friends forever, 4th grade was it. How time has flown! And although we don’t get to see each other often when we do speak it seems as if not a day has passed.

    • Kasia March 11, 2011

      Yes, we met in 4th grade, I remember so well. How long ago that was! I’m so happy to have you in my life through all these years and now to watch your girls grow up… A reunion in WHB is in order soon! xo

  9. M March 10, 2011

    Love all the beautiful colors!

    Classy & Fabulous

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