views from above

The last few weeks in Paris have been a feast for the eyes, and equally, for the soul. Is there a more spectacular season than autumn, when the leaves turn golden hues against elegant pale facades? Even on a gray day, the city comes to life, inviting you to admire it.

IMG_9968 I have taken many a stroll along its leafy streets, occasionally looking up to catch the light.

IMG_9974But what does Paris, dressed in oranges & yellows look like from above? Rather than try to imagine, I joined the tourists at Notre Dame Cathedral and climbed 400 steps to find out.

IMG_9929I was taken with the views. At once, Lady Eiffel & La Defense competed for my attention.

IMG_9930The first level Place du Parvis sits 46 meters above ground, home to the gargoyles.

IMG_9933The fall foliage, with its kaleidoscope of colors, accentuated the river Seine down below.

IMG_9937It was at the top platform of the South Tower that Paris really takes your breath away.

IMG_9938I would happily have stayed until sunset, but it was time to return to life down below.

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  1. susan / fleurishing November 9, 2015

    Gorgeous! Paris is always beautiful, but I love autumn there. p.s. – loving the new site design!

    • Kasia November 13, 2015

      Autumn is truly magical in Paris!

      Glad you like the new design, it was time for an update 🙂

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