Vive la France!

The energy in Paris is contagious, following a monumental weekend of celebrations beginning with Bastille Day and ending with France winning the World Cup, this being France’s second win, the first in 1998. The air is light and smiles are shared widely, albeit many are weary from a night of revelry. With sparkling eyes from the previous night of fireworks, I joined a few expat friends at a local haunt and the cheering began. What I noticed as I glanced around the crowds gathered at every bar and café, were the number of foreigners cheering for a land they have come to love. Regardless of the winning team, these global games unite us all.

To a soundtrack of honking cars and cheers from all directions, Queen’s song “We Are The Champions” blasting through the air, my Italian and I walked around our Marais neighborhood, the streets pulsing with energy.

Allez les bleus! Flags were eagerly waved from every car and window, some even worn by those more daring.

A celebratory atmosphere took over every café and I could only imagine similar scenes all over the country.

Place de la République proved to be the grandest party of all, aside from what took place on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées. Cheers to you France, may this uplifting spirit continue long after the high of winning fades.


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