Island of the gods

In the belief of reincarnation, our deeds, wealth, and love determine the next life. I would like mine to be lived in Bali. This is a beautiful land where people smile often and the art of creation brings nourishment to the soul. Ubud is a haven for artists, writers and anyone seeking spiritual enlightenment. My days are spent in admiration of the great artistic expression present in the temples, paintings, dance, even the food, which each mouthful I savour. Might I mention the (ever so inexpensive) art of massage which I experience as often as possible. At the hands of master painter Nyoman Sudadnya I am learning the techniques of Batik painting, quite a skill involving hot wax and patience. Amidst the miles of rice fields this composition of my life continues…

A batik comes to life from the recesses of a vivid imagination…

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  1. eszorenyi June 4, 2007

    Wow… do you have a photo of that beautiful picture you painted? I would love to see! -Em

  2. Ato Vidou June 15, 2007

    Ok, I agree with eszorenhyi (?)… and I think you should not only write, but paint in a carriable journal whatever you get to see, or get inspired by!

  3. Chris November 12, 2010

    I am contemplating a batik course with Nyoman. Can you tell me more about it please?

    • Kasia November 14, 2010

      Hi Chris! I really enjoyed this course, the site is I learned the process of batik at the hands of a master, and the studio was very inspiring!

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