soul of New York

Anyone who knows me, is well aware that New York City resides deeply within my heart. Much like a first love that will forever be revered. Several months ago, via my blogging journey, I met a fellow New Yorker with a similar sentiment towards the city that doesn’t sleep. Phil Vasquez is a writer and filmmaker from Canada, inspired by classic and foreign films and American and French popular music songbooks, everything from Cole Porter to Charles Aznavour. He has resided for many years in NYC and soon… Paris. I quickly discovered that Phil possesses a unique sensitivity and depth that was revealed in his short film, Song of Relations, a beautiful tribute to the soul of old New York City.

Nested in nests of water bays. Superb, rich.
Hemm’d thick all round with sail ships and steam ships.
An island, 16 miles long, solid founded.
Numberless crowded streets. High growths of iron. Slender, strong, light.
Splendidly uprising toward clear skies.
The countless masts. The white shore steamers. The lighters. The ferry-boats.
The downtown streets. The houses of business of the ship merchants and money brokers.
The river streets.
City of hurried and sparkling waters, city of spires and masts.
City nested in bays. My city.
– Walt Whitman

I look forward to following Phil’s journey from New York to Paris, a city he and his wife plan to call home, where he will absorb the culture and no doubt make authentic French films with an American independent production style. And where his unique vision will continue.

To view his film and learn more about this writer & filmmaker in the making:

Also be sure to join Phil Vasquez on facebook and connect on twitter.


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  1. Lindsey January 24, 2012

    Loved Phil’s film ! can’t wait to see what kind of work he could do in Paris!

    • Kasia January 27, 2012

      Me too! I suspect Paris will capture his soul, and he Paris’.

  2. Oooh what a gorgeous ode to NYC!

    • Kasia January 27, 2012

      Glad you enjoyed it Andi! As a fellow lover of this great city.

  3. StyleOnTheCouch January 25, 2012

    Oh my what a wonderful tribute to New York City. Please keep us posted on what happens in Paris!

  4. Leora January 25, 2012

    Beautiful. I also am a hopeless romantic, and love the glamour of nyc. Makes me miss home right now, as I am traveling for two months.. but NYC will always be in my heart as well!

    Thanks for sharing,

  5. Stephanie - labelleinfrance January 26, 2012

    that’s so cool! looking forward to seeing his NYC films too! But first, I’ll have catch up on the French ones. 🙂

  6. Sweet Freak January 27, 2012

    Kasia, kindred spirit, you know what I think. 🙂 Lovely work, Phil!

    • Kasia January 27, 2012

      Somehow I knew you would enjoy this.

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