London calling

Last week London called. I answered. A quick two hour jaunt via the Eurostar, and there I was.

This city that has always felt like home. Perhaps it’s the dynamic energy felt amidst the international air, much like NYC and certainly something I miss living within the calm and frenchness of Paris. The trip was one of business, as I’m currently working on a new hand-printed London Collection of handbags (where better to conduct market research?), had several shops and showrooms to meet, and equally one of pleasure. Many friends to catch up, exchanging a bottle of red for a pint of cider.

Home became close to Baker Street with a dear friend, Regents Park just minutes away.

I could not avoid central London…

What clever advertising! (Love the classic London cabs, preferably black.)

A walk around Sloane Square and into the world of eggs & Saatchi…

On my last morning I was given a tour of the colorfully posh Primrose Hill.

A walk along the canal beneath London skies, to Camden…

And back again from one world into another.

My trip happily ended in London’s evolving East, Shoreditch.

London has also called Andi of Misadventures with Andi, who just took a gastronomic tour with Context Travel… who knew what a foodie city this was!

learning to fly

A good friend once told me that running a business is much like raising a child. Among other things, a lot of patience and resilience is necessary. Given that she has a child and a successful business, I took these words to heart. Exactly one year later, my child has managed not only to walk but to fly! Certainly the most challenging and rewarding work I have done in my life, and only the beginning.

a girl and her bags by Prête Moi Paris

I have so much gratitude of the past 12 months to express… where to begin? Most noteworthy…

1. My assistant (aka my Italian) has been supportive since day one, always offering solid advice, and even criticism whenever necessary, constructive of course.

2. My network of friends and growing fans keeps me eternally grateful and inspired. Merci à tous!

3. I cannot even list the incredible press I have already received, including Marie Claire, Huffington Post Style, Do it in Paris, Luxsure Magazine… not to mention all the fabulous blog features.

4. Much like I love to travel, so do my bags. They are gaining an international presence, as far away as Malaysia and the Greek Isles. Be sure to enter my travel bag giveaway if you haven’t yet!

5. The French have taken a liking to my aesthetic and I am selling at Le Bon Marché. A great honor!

a little New York in Paris

What’s ahead in 2012 for kasia dietz handbags? Aside from designing new collections and continuing to work on many custom projects, I am always looking for ways to give back, as I did with my Japan fundraiser. In the upcoming months I’m collaborating with a UK company and British filmmaker Fiona Lloyd-Davies to raise awareness and aid abused women in the Congo. Here is a preview of the film and more about the project. A worth cause I am proud to be a part of.

I’m also planning many more handbag painting workshops since the first was a great success!

Lastly and very importantly, friend and bag fan Andi of Misadventures with Andi, is giving away a bag in support of small business owners. (There’s also an interview!) Thank you Andi!